Personal Injury


Why Chose ChiroPlus Personal Injury Care?

At ChiroPlus, we understand the profound impact a car crash, slip and fall, or work injury can have on your life. Beyond the immediate concerns of possible vehicle damage and insurance claims, it’s crucial to prioritize your health. That’s why we’ve established ourselves as a trusted destination for those seeking effective, comprehensive care following an injury.

Comprehensive Diagnostic Approach:

We consider a precise diagnosis to be the foundation of effective treatment. To ensure we understand the full extent of your condition, we utilize an array of state-of-the-art diagnostic tools. When necessary, we refer our patients out for advanced imaging, such as MRI or Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis. These specialized tests help us pinpoint and objectively document the severity and location of your spinal injuries.

Additionally, if indicated, we provide in-house DynaROM testing. This objective assessment measures your pain levels in response to motion, providing valuable insights into your condition. By combining these diagnostic methods, we can tailor your treatment plan with a high degree of accuracy, ensuring you receive the most appropriate care for your unique injuries, and give you the best chance of a complete recovery.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

Every injury is unique, and so is our approach to your care. We start with a comprehensive evaluation to assess your condition thoroughly. Then, we develop a customized treatment plan tailored to address your specific injuries and concerns. Our multimodal approach incorporates the most advanced therapies and evidence-based treatments available, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.

In many cases, achieving optimal results requires a collaborative approach involving a diverse group of medical professionals. At ChiroPlus, we have relationships with healthcare experts across multiple specialties that we work together with to ensure the best patient outcomes.

Restoring Your Functionality:

We recognize that any type of traumatic injury can significantly impact your daily life and functionality. Our mission is not only to alleviate your pain but also to restore your quality of life. Through targeted therapies and a patient-centered approach, we aim to help you regain your physical well-being and mobility.

Detailed Documentation:

In addition to delivering expert care, we diligently record every facet of your injury and recovery journey. This includes establishing a clear link between the accident and your condition, assessing how your injuries affect your daily life, identifying any functional limitations, and documenting any potential permanent impairments or ongoing medical expenses. By maintaining a thorough record, we ensure that your case is comprehensively and accurately represented throughout your treatment and any legal processes.

Financial Peace of Mind:

We understand that the financial aspect of receiving medical or chiropractic care after an accident can be a source of concern. To alleviate this worry, we offer treatment on a lien basis. This means we’ll provide the necessary care, postponing payment until your personal injury claim is settled or resolved. This approach allows you to focus on your recovery without the immediate financial burden of medical expenses.

Collaboration and Communication:

We recognize the importance of coordination between other healthcare providers, legal professionals, and our patients. Our team maintains open communication with attorneys involved in personal injury cases, ensuring seamless cooperation to support your claim.

If you or a loved one has sustained a personal injury in an accident, don’t delay seeking the care you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards recovery. Let us be your trusted partner in your journey to healing and reclaiming your life.


Office Hours

  • Monday
    9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
    11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday
    9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Saturday
    Appointment Only
  • Sunday

Schedule An Appointment

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